Managing Hooves in Extreme Weather

We sat down with Rachel Richardson of Maple Hill Horseshoeing & Blacksmithing in Marlboro, VT, to get a farrier’s perspective on properly caring for and treating hooves in fluctuating weather.

Breeding Chronicles VI: Sky Gives Birth to Sherman

  After 11 months of waiting, our new bundle of joy finally made an appearance on May 5, 2023. During the approaching weeks, my mother and I had spent a great amount of time preparing the stall and monitoring my mare Sky for the arrival of our new addition. You can read more about breeding …

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A How-To Guide to Roaching a Mane

A roached mane is when the mane (and sometimes the forelock) is completely shaved off, leaving the horse with a smooth line across the top of the horse’s neck–much like a buzzcut for humans!

Discover Crafty Ponies Toys and Accessories

Are you looking for the perfect gift for the young horse lover in your life? At The Cheshire Horse, we are proud to carry a line of educational equestrian toys that are a must-have for horse-crazy kids. The Crafty Ponies and their realistic accessories will ignite your child’s passion for horses while encouraging their imagination to soar. 

A Special Friendship: Horses and Goats

Goat and horse grazing together

Evolving as herd animals, horses are highly social and thrive on interaction with others. Because of this, it is recommended that you have at least two horses on the property to satisfy their emotional and social needs. Depending on your setup or your finances, it may not be feasible to have multiple horses. Fortunately, many horses find companionship in goats– a manageable addition to your farmstead! Consider welcoming a goat into your stable; they are sure to bring companionship to your horse, and are great fun for the entire family!

Understanding Rain Rot

Chestnut horse running in a pasture in the rain

Rain rot, also known as rain scald, is a common bacterial skin condition that horses can develop when exposed to wet conditions. Because of this, rain rot frequently occurs in the spring, particularly with horses that spend most of their time turned out. Fortunately for horse owners, most cases of rain rot can be treated with topical solutions and a variety of horse husbandry methods.

Adding Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Your Horse’s Diet

Shiny chestnut horse running in a field

When it comes to feeding our horses and devising a nutritional plan for them, optimizing their overall health and wellness is one of our top priorities. In recent years, supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids has become increasingly mainstream — and for a good reason! They have a plethora of equine health benefits, making them an …

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Breeding Chronicles IV: Prenatal Mare Care

Sky has had a straightforward pregnancy thus far, and I am fortunate that she is a relatively easy keeper. However, she still requires prenatal care as she grows our little bundle of joy, which is due on April 24, 2023.