Hoof Care

43 Results
43 Results
$23.95 - $39.95
(5 Reviews)
(1 Review)

Care for your livestock from the ground up with our selection of hoof care supplies. We have everything you need to properly care for and treat your the hooves of your goats, sheep, pigs, dairy cows, and beef cattle.

Eliminate thrush, foot scald, and other painful hoof conditions with products from trusted livestock supply companies including Banixx and No Thrush. These innovative powders and sprays kill off the bacteria while promoting hoof health. They also penetrate between the cloven hooves to treat thrush at the deepest level of the infection.

Thrush, also referred to as hoof rot, is commonly seen when livestock are kept in wet conditions. It is characterized by a pungent odor and a dark discharge coming from the hoof. The bacteria and yeast in the hoof thrive in moist conditions, allowing them to multiply rapidly. This leads to lameness and pain, and it may also lead to loss of milk production for lactating mares.

Treating thrush is easiest when you move your livestock to a dry location, however this may not be feasible depending on the weather or the condition of your pastures. Begin your treatment by assessing the level of infection, then clean or thoroughly soak the hoof. Then, utilize an antibacterial and antifungal spray to eliminate the thrush. Use at the manufacturer’s recommendations until all signs of the hoof condition have been alleviated.

Keep your livestock’s hooves looking great with hoof care products to treat the foundation of your animal. Our experienced sales staff is always available to answer your questions regarding the livestock hoof care products that we carry.