Clipper Blades
No set of clippers is complete without a set of sharp clipper blades. Sharp blades allow the clippers to slide through your horse’s coat like butter and painlessly remove the excess hair. Dull blades are difficult to use, have a higher potential of making clipper tracks, and be painful for your horse if they begin to catch and pull on the individual hairs.
We carry blades to fit a variety of clippers, including A5 blades, AG blades, and body clipper blades from top clipper brands like Andis, Premium 1, and Oster.
When it comes to equine clipper blades, the higher the number, the closer a shave it will give. Typically size 10 blades are used for body clipping and clipping legs. In contrast, size 15 and size 20 are used for detail work, particularly the bridle path, muzzle, and ears. Size 30 and Size 40 blades clip down to the bare skin, so they are reserved for trimming around wounds and for surgical clips.
If you want a versatile blade, check out our jack-of-all-trades blades. These blades are adjustable and allow you to toggle through different clipping depths for a personalized trim. The Oster Adjusta-Groom Replacement Blade Set is a popular version of these unique blades. Just be sure to make sure that they are compatible with your particular clippers before purchasing.
Learn more about clipping and how to select the right blade for the job at hand on our blog. If you have any questions about the equine clipper blades that we carry or would like assistance in making your purchase, we invite you to reach out to our knowledgeable sales associates.
The Cheshire Horse also offers a clipper blade sharpening service at a highly affordable price. Extend the life of your clipper blades with professional sharpening. Call 877-358-3001 to learn more.