Leg Wraps & Cotton
When it comes to supporting your horse's legs, you simply can't beat a pair of standing wraps. Designed to be worn while your horse is relatively still, such as while standing in a stall or on the trailer, they have a myriad of applications when it comes to helping your horse. Use standing wraps after a workout or at a horse show to limit swelling and inflammation while providing a comforting level of support. When trailering your horse, standing wraps protect against cuts and scrapes while giving your horse's legs a break. Standing wraps can also be extremely useful when bandaging leg wounds, providing a cushion and protecting the contusion from harmful foreign objects.
Typically applying standing wraps is a two-step process. First, a padded wrap, normally referred to as a pillow wrap or a no-bow wrap, is applied to cushion the leg and allow for proper circulation. Then, a standing wrap is used to keep the pillow wrap in place.
We carry pillow wraps and no-bow wraps (named for their decreased likelihood of bowed tendons) from a number of quality equestrian companies like Wilker's, Toklat, Horze, and Weaver Leather. In addition to the traditional cotton and foam wraps, we carry the Back on Track No Bow Wraps, which have been infused with ceramic technology to provide soothing heat and minimize swelling.
In warm weather, your horse may become sweaty and uncomfortable under their wraps. The Eskadron Climatex Bandage Liners and Union Hill CoolMax No Bow Leg Wraps are a great solution to this common summer dilemma. Providing increased air circulation and a wicking fabric, they keep your horse's legs cool while wearing their wraps.
If you are bandaging a wound, disposable cotton can be used in place of a pillow wrap. This is especially useful if the wound is bleeding or draining. The BB Satin Star 12's Cotton Leg Wrap and the Dukal Cotton Roll are both popular options to have on hand in case of emergency.
Learn more about leg wraps and boots, including standing wraps, on our blog. If you have any questions about properly using standing wraps or about any of the products that we carry, we invite you to reach out to our friendly sales associates who have years of experience in the barn.