Bird Feeders & Houses
Watching and feeding your wild backyard birds is a whole lot of fun. Attract songbirds, observe cardinals, and catch sight of that elusive finch by feeding them high-quality bird feed and suet. Feeding wild birds is an enjoyable experience that allows you to watch wildlife in your backyard. Additionally, feeding birds helps them to thrive during the harsh winter months when food is scarce. In addition to our extensive selection of wild bird seed and feed, we also carry a complete collection of bird feeders and birdhouses.
We carry a selection of suet cages and bird feeders from trusted pet supply companies including Heath Manufacturing, North States, Perky-Pet, and Woodlink. With wooden feeders, platform feeders, wire feeders, hummingbird feeders, and copper feeders available, you can pick one that appeals to you aesthetically and that also appeals to the birds you wish to attract. We also stock a number of bird feeder hooks to assist you in hanging them.
Utilize a hanging feeder for perching birds and a platform feeder for ground-feeding birds. Many birds who are primarily insect feeders prefer to eat suet from suet feeders.
Squirrels and chipmunks can prove to be more than a pest around a bird feeder. Not only do they eat large quantities of the bird food themselves, but they also scare birds away from the feeder. If you struggle with squirrels, look for a “squirrel-proof” feeder that makes it difficult, if not impossible, for the squirrel or chipmunk to eat. Some feeders make the bird food inaccessible to any animal without a beak, while others utilize doors that close when animals heavier than a bird tries to use the feeder.
To ensure the safety of your wild bird population, make sure that you monitor the area for predatory birds and domestic house cats. If they begin hanging around your feeder, remove it for a few days.
Encourage your favorite birds to move right in with a birdhouse that will encourage the birds to rest and nest. Available in a number of sizes and styles, having birds nesting and raising a family in your yard makes spring even more exciting. We even carry bird boxes specifically designed to attract bluebirds into your yard! Make sure that you refer to the hanging instructions on the birdhouses as various breeds of birds have different housing preferences.
Become a birdwatcher and discover a new love of ornithology with our selection of bird feeders. If you have any questions regarding the feeders that we carry or would like assistance purchasing the right bird feeder for you, we encourage you to speak with a member of our friendly and highly-trained sales staff.