Chick Supplies

82 Results
82 Results

We love when fluffy chicks start appearing in our stores, with their sweet chirps and adorable antics. We sell the most extensive selection of poultry breeds in the area, with standard and rare heritage and preservation chicks, in addition to geese, ducks, turkeys, and guinea hens. To help you prepare for your new additions, we also carry everything that you need to care for your baby birds once you get them home.

Carrying a full range of starter crumbles and pellets, both medicated and non-medicated, we have just what you need to help your chicks thrive. Don't forget to pick up a bag of chick grit, an essential for proper digestion. Our selection of feeders and waterers from quality manufacturers such as Hentastic, Harris Farms, and Miller Manufacturing, are specifically sized for small beaks.

Keep your flock warm and toasty with the help of the Ace 250 Watts Brooder and Heat Lamp, which will replicate the warmth of their mother hen. Soft, absorbent bedding in your brooder will help to maintain chick health, so we carry Koop Clean and Manna Pro Fresh Flakes Premium Poultry Bedding to give your flock an excellent start.

For our customers looking for convenience, Ware Manufacturing has put together Chick Starter Kit Carrier Box, which has all the supplies you will need for your chicks' first days with you. With a feeder, a waterer, and a five-foot diameter living corral to keep them contained, this kit is the perfect start for your new flock.

Do you need assistance in picking out just what you need to bring your chicks home? Check out our blog post on just that, or talk to our experienced sales staff who can help walk you through the process and confidently select what you need to purchase.