D-Ring Bits

61 Results
61 Results

Classic and sophisticated, the dee-ring snaffle is frequently seen in the hunter pleasure and the hunter over fences arenas. These snaffles are popular, and for good reason; simple yet effective, many horses respond well to these mild bits.

Named after the shape of the cheek piece, the bit forms a "D" outside the horse's mouth. Affixed to the mouthpiece, the smooth cheek piece protects the horse's sensitive lips from being pinched while also safeguarding against the bit being pulled through the horse's mouth. We carry an extensive selection of these desirable bits from trusted equine manufacturers like Stubben, Korsteel, Myler Bits, and Smith Worthington. From green prospects to advanced competition horses, we have a D-ring bit for each stage of your horse's riding and training career.

Many horses respond well to the Stubben Anatomic D-Ring Bit With Copper or the Smith Worthington Hunter Dee Bit with Curved Mouth. These bits have been specifically designed with the horse's mouth in mind. They lie comfortably over the bars, tongue, and lips when in a neutral position. When activated, these unique bits do not dig into the delicate palate or create the dreaded "nutcracker" action and pinch the tongue and lips.

For horses that require a stronger bit, the Korsteel Corkscrew Dee Ring Snaffle or the Korsteel Waterford Hunter Dee Snaffle Bit are popular options. The Corkscrew is a harsher mouthpiece, while the Waterford mouthpiece discourages pulling by literally not giving your horse anything to pull or lean against (it is not a static mouthpiece).

Looking for the perfect bit for a delicate mouth? The Jointed Ribbed Pro King Dee Snaffle Bit from Happy Mouth uses their innovative apple flavored rubber mouthpiece. That is one way to encourage your horse to take hold of the bit!

We know that purchase a bit can be a difficult process. For assistance, refer to our blog or reach out to our experienced sales staff.