Therapy Sheets

4 Results
4 Results

Does your senior horse come out of the stall stiff? Are you trying to safeguard your performance horse against soft tissue injuries? Therapeutic sheets utilize specialized fabrics, often ceramic-infused fabrics, to reflect your horse's body heat back into their muscles. The result is a soothing infrared heat which increases blood circulation and decreases inflammation. Therapy sheets are a popular choice for horses of all ages and ability levels to help them stay comfortable and injury-free.

While therapeutic sheets can be used as a preventative measure with any horse, equestrians have found them to be very useful for horses with topline and hind-end ailments. If your horse suffers from a sore back, weak stifles, or sacroiliac (SI joint) pain, they are a prime candidate for therapeutic blankets. These sheets have also been shown to benefit horses with a propensity for tying up or a history of Lyme disease. Therapeutic sheets are appropriate for both injury recovery and injury prevention.

At The Cheshire Horse, we carry a wide range of therapeutic equine sheets from all of your favorite equestrian brands, including Back on Track, Shires Equestrian, Professional's Choice, and Bucas. You can be assured that you are making a quality investment in your horse's health and comfort. Because of their unique characteristics and properties, many of these sheets and blankets have special care instructions. Be careful to follow the directions on the label in order to maintain the therapeutic integrity of the blanket. If you have any questions regarding how to properly clean your therapy sheet, we encourage you to bring it into our Swanzey, NH, flagship store location for our professional cleaning and repair services.

Keep your horse's muscles supple and help prevent injury when you utilize a therapeutic quarter sheet or sheet. For tips on finding the appropriate sized sheet, we encourage you to refer to our blog post, Blankets for Every Equine (and Animal!), or reach out to a member of our friendly and highly-trained sales staff.