Despite their massive strength, your horse's legs are incredibly vulnerable. From the knee down, horses' important bones, muscles, and tendons are protected only by a thin layer of skin and fur. During exercise and shipping, it is vital to protect your horse's legs. Given their complicated structure, horse's legs are also prone to internal injury and painful swelling. The Cheshire Horse has a large and diverse selection of wraps and bandages to help prevent and maintain your horse's leg health.
In our store you'll find a wide variety of leg wraps good for leg protection and bandaging. Leg wraps from brands like Wilker's, Weaver Leather, EquiFit, Fleeceworks, and Back on Track will protect sensitive areas and help to keep any treatments in place. See our options for cotton wraps like the BB Satin Star 12's Cotton Leg Wrap to use for standard dressings as well.
A popular method to prevent swelling or injury during exercise is using polo wraps. Easily wrap these felt wraps around your horse's legs to provide compression before heavy exercise. The thick fleece of polo wraps also adds a layer of protection from external damage during riding and shipping. At The Cheshire Horse we you'll find many polo wraps to choose from, including options from Jacks, Eskadron, Professional's Choice, and many others. Come find what color and patterns would look best on your horse.
Looking for more disposable compression wraps and dressings? Check out our wide selection of Vetwrap, flexible cohesive bandages that come in easy-to-use roles for multiple use. With your choice of options from Andover, 3M, and America's Acres, you can easily find the right size and design for you.