Western Spurs

36 Results
36 Results

Western spurs are the perfect accompaniment to a pair of Western boots. Used to limit the necessary movement of an equestrian's leg as well as to fine-tune the communication between horse and rider, Western spurs are a wonderful artificial aid for the experienced equestrian. Designed specifically for pleasure, reining, trail, horsemanship, and gymkhana riders, we carry a full selection of Western spurs.

MetaLab and Weaver Leather both manufacture quality, affordable Western spurs. Whether you are looking for a pair of durable spurs for daily use or a set that will sparkle in the show ring, we have spurs that will fit every training level, taste, and budget.

When purchasing a pair of spurs, it is essential that you take your riding experience into consideration, as well as your horse's disposition. It is important to realize that both the length and shape of the shank help to determine the severity of the spur. Many horses like the mild knob end spurs, while other horses respond better to a roweled spur.

Knob end spurs like the Weaver 21st Century Spur are popular for daily wear. The mild end is fantastic for training a horse how to respond to leg aid, while the smooth, stainless steel design resists rust and repels dirt.

We also offer a number of rowelled spur options. The Weaver Engraved Band Roping Spurs allow you to change the rowels, making them very versatile. We carry 12-point and 18-point replacement rowels in both antique iron and stainless steel to allow you to accommodate every horse that you ride.

For the competitive rider, the Francois Gauthier Engraved Show Spurs and the Weaver Men's Spurs with Engraved German Silver Trim are gorgeous, yet functional options. These stainless steel spurs with resist rusting, while the exquisite, engraved detailing makes them stand out from the rest of the herd.

Our experienced sales associates are always available to answer any questions you may have about our inventory of spurs. We look forward to helping you make your next purchase.