Level One Bits

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6 Results

The Cheshire Horse proudly carries a full product line of Myler bits. The founders of Myler Bits - Ron, Dale and Bob Myler - are third generation horsemen who have revolutionized the horse bit marketplace. The Level One Myler bit has been developed to rotate on the horse’s tongue to apply tongue pressure. The bits are designed to collapse to form a “U” shape when activated with rein pressure, instead of a “V”, which protects the horse’s lips and the bars of the mouth from being pinched. The mouthpiece of the bit is curved to allow more room for the tongue when the bit is in a neutral resting position. When horses are comfortable in their mouths, they are able to focus and relax, which shows through with increased performance.

The Myler Bitting system is a graduated system, comprising o three different levels. This allows you to select the right bit for your horse based on its behavior and level of training.

Level One Myler bits are ideal for young or green horses who are just beginning their training. Horses with difficult dispositions often respond well to Level One bits as well.

The Level One Bits also incorporate independent side movement with the majority of the mouthpieces. This helps to educate the horse on the meaning of the rein aids and allows the rider to more clearly articulate what they are trying to communicate with the horse. This is especially important when teaching the horse to steer and bend.

Myler Level One bits are available in a number of different cheekpieces (including kimberwicke, loose ring, Pelham, eggbutt, and full cheek) and mouthpieces. Many materials, such as stainless steel and copper, have been utilized to encourage salivation and increased communication between horse and rider.

Thanks to new United States Dressage Federation (USDF) mandates, many of the Myler Level One snaffle bits are now legal for dressage riders, provided the rein and bit hooks are not used. Refer to the United States Dressage Federation for the most up-to-date information. 

We know that selecting a bit can be a difficult process. Be sure to contact one of our friendly sales associates to see which Myler Level One bit would be the right fit for you or refer to our blog post, Choosing the Right Myler Bit for Your Horse.