Health & Nutrition

32 Results
32 Results
Price reduced from $29.95 to $23.96
Price reduced from $24.95 to $19.96

We carry an extensive selection of horse health books to help you become more knowledgeable about all aspects of proper equine care. Covering a wide range of equine health care topics, including hoof care, acupressure, nutrition, holistic medicine, aromatherapy, and basic veterinary care, our selection of equine well-being books will help you learn to care for your horse in a well-rounded manner.

If you actively ride and compete with your horse, you most likely commit a large amount of time to their soundness and fitness. Our inventory of books for the equestrian contains important tidbits that will assist you in keeping your horse performing at the highest level. Shop books about equine lameness, physical fitness, therapeutic exercises, kinesiology taping, and general soundness from trusted equestrian publishing companies including Trafalgar Square Books and Storey Publishing.

Are you considering breeding your mare or purchasing a young foal? Raising a foal can be an exciting endeavor, but many people also have many questions regarding the process. We carry many equine instructional manuals that will walk you through breeding, pregnancy, and birth, as well as the various stages of your foal's first year.

Knowledge is power. Learn more about your horse and how you can maximize their health and soundness when you build a library full of equine health reference books. If you have questions regarding the various books for equestrians that we carry or would like assistance choosing the best equine health book for you and your needs, we encourage you to speak to a member of our friendly and highly-trained sales staff.