Leather Care

144 Results
144 Results
$10.95 - $45.69
(15 Reviews)
(5 Reviews)
(1 Review)

Whether you ride every day, or once a month, all of your leather products need to be cleaned and conditioned to remain supple and protected from damage done by the elements. Proper care of your leather tack and apparel means regular cleaning - even if things aren't visibly dirty - and oiling or conditioning to ensure it doesn't dry out. How often you care for your tack depends on how often it is used, or if it is exposed to rain or other elements. Shop The Cheshire Horse's wide selection of leather care products to ensure you are prepared to properly maintain your leather gear.

Leather Cleaners and Leather Conditioners are the best products to use regularly on your leather gear. The Cheshire Horse carries popular products like Fiebings Saddle Soap or Fiebings All Purpose Cleaner & Conditioner, as well as Lexol Leather Cleaner and Conditioners, and Farnam Leather New saddle soaps and conditioners. Browse our selection of saddle soaps and conditioners to find the products that work best for you.

Among our leather care products, you'll also find an extensive collection of leather dressings and oils, as well as weatherproofing products, polishes, and dyes. Any of these products will target a specific treatment, like waterproofing or darkening your leather.

To make your leather care as easy as possible, make sure you have the proper sponges and applicators for the job. Shop our selection of sponges from brands like Tail Tamer and GT Reid. Don't forget a leather punch - an essential tack room item!

Once properly cleaned and treated, be sure to find the right storage for your leather products to prevent molding or drying. Check out our selection of saddle covers, bridle bags, boot bags, and other tack room supplies to find the right storage for your leather gear.